Sunday, December 2, 2007


Hey Everyone!
So this afternoon was my going away, get together lunch. I specifically wrote/typed on the invitation to not give me gifts but did anyone listen? NO! haha. So, of course, I received quite a few lovely presents including.....A CROCK POT!! YAY! Here are some of the highlighted pictures from the event:
Me and the folks

Me and Donna. She just stopped by to say hi and to wish me luck :-)

I just had to crop the picture since I look so good!

Me and Tammy. She's a crazy/fun Kindergarten teacher!

Mom doing what she does best...pose with her eyes closed hahaha.

My neighbor, Jodi. Awwww :-)

Me and Jen posing with a Holly wreath that was given to me.

Me and my OLDEST friend from childhood, Jen!

Monday, November 26, 2007

2 weeks and 2 days

Yep, I decided to scum and create a blog. Eh. We shall see if I stick with it. So yeah, for those of you that don't know in exactly 2 weeks and 2 days I'll be moving to Tallahassee, FL. This'll really be my first-ever time living away from home and I'm nervious...more so by the fact that everyone keeps on empahsizing this "BIG MOVE" (gee, thanks everyone *rolls eyes*).

I've got the majority of my room all packed up. My closet is fairly empty (note to self: take picture), my books are all packed (except for my HS yearbooks and those odds and ends), my desk and dresser drawers are (for the most part) empty. Strange....